3 Gifts - Exclusive with the Purchase of Your LABOOMA ski box!
Once you have arrived at your destination - here is a bundle of ski stuff that will make you happy - it's FREE!

Bluetooth Remote LAEAR-O
A velcro band puts control of your smartphone comms on you wrist or forearm. Receive calls or crank a playlist without fumbling around in one of your pockets. LAEAR-O remote is exclusively available only with the purchase of your LABOOMA ski box.

A Season's Supply!
Each and every LABOOMA ski box is shipped with 20 (10 2-pack) 8-hour hand warmers. We're not selling these cold day items; we're giving them to our LABOOMA ski box customers.

Get Your Boots On - LABOOTIE Style!
Each and Every LABOOMA ski box is shipped with 5 LaBooties. This handy PVC exclusive helps slide your fit into your boots. It takes the effort out of getting your boots on!